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Home See our solutions to access the grid or the electricity markets - Cataliz {{item}} {{item.label}} Understanding the public transmission system access tariff (TURPE) {{vm.currentItem}}

RTE has published the information elements concerning the public transmission system access tariff. You can also find: explanatory brochures, TURPE 6 tariff lists, and the associated service offering

Customers concerned

  • Consumers
  • Distributors
  • Generators

What is the public transmission system access tariff (TURPE)?

The main principles

The financial resources required for system operators to carry out their public service missions are obtained mainly through the public transmission system access tariff (TURPE).

The TURPE includes two tariffs:

  • sites connected to the public distribution system pay the TURPE HV-A-LV,

  • sites connected to the public transmission system (including distribution system operators) pay the TURPE HV-B.

The TURPE, its principles and methods are set by decision of the energy regulator, the CRE, following a consultation process involving system operators and all users.

Its objective is to guarantee good coverage of the costs incurred by electricity system operators, provided these costs correspond to those of an efficient system operator.

The tariff is based on four main principles:

  • Postage stamp: the tariff is independent of the distance between the generation site and the consumption site

  • Tariff equalisation: the tariff applies equally across the territory

  • Non-discrimination: the tariff reflects the costs incurred by each category of users regardless of their final use of electricity

  • Time-seasonality: the tariff is differentiated depending on the time of day and day of the week to encourage customers to limit their consumption during the periods of the year when the consumption of all consumers is highest

In practice, TURPE HV-B is now RTE’s main financial resource, accounting for 90% of its revenue.

It covers expenditure related to investments financed by RTE and operating costs related to all of its tasks of operating the public electricity transmission system and the power system.

Duration of application of the tariff

The general rules for the application of the tariff, its structure and its level are fixed by the CRE for a period of 4 years. However, an adjustment of the level is made every year on the 1st of August. Within a tariff period, this annual adjustment is likely to modify the tariff coefficients, upward or downward, in a limited way, i.e.: the amounts charged to customers for each type of use.

The TURPE HV-B is set up to ensure RTE a forecast authorised revenue trajectory covering all of its expenses over this period. TURPE 6 HTB applies from 1 August 2021 for a period of approximately 4 years and will be updated annually on 1 August of each year.

Entry into force of TURPE 6

Following five public consultations which provided an opportunity to obtain the opinion of all stakeholders, including consumers (both professional and private) and system operators, on future transmission tariffs, the CRE deliberated on TURPE 6 HTB.

Deliberation 2021-12 of 21 January 2021 on the public transmission system access tariff (TURPE 6 HTB) was published in the Official Journal on 23 April 2021.

Its tariff structure will be based on the same broad principles as those of previous tariffs, with, in particular, the maintaining of the various tariff components.

Among the main changes are:

  • a gradual introduction of the changes to the coefficients of the annual component of Consumption in HTB1 and HTB2 during the period of the tariff,
  • a change in reactive energy billing for non-distributor customers,
  • the ability for our clients to make a Tariff Version change with no requirement of a 12-month time limit from the previous change:once at the entry into force of TURPE 6, and once between 1 August and 30 November of one of the years of TURPE 6.

I am an RTE customer and wish to learn more about TURPE and the tariff currently in effect

The tariff schedule currently in effect (1 August 2023 to 31 July 2024) is defined by CRE deliberation of 31 May 2023. The tariff coefficients applicable as of 1 August 2023 are detailed in the tariff lists available in the Library - Understanding the bill.

To learn more, RTE has published the information elements concerning the public transmission system access tariff (TURPE 6 currently in force – examples based on the tariff in force from 1 August 2021 to 31 July 2022):

The TURPE allows the invoice for the transmission system access contract (CART) to be established for RTE customers. For more information:

Digital services available to RTE customers

As the service is private, you need an account on the RTE’s Service Portal linked to a customer company, (request access from the Service Portal administrator of the company).


For any questions, please contact your usual account manager.

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