Do you have an account?
Why create an account?
After creating an account you will :
- have access to the “favourites” feature,
- be able to download certain data published by RTE,
- have access to forms (PKI certificate, EIC code, Customer questionnaire - KYC),
- have access to notifications.
If you are an RTE customer, feel free to contact your administrator so that he or she can give you access to your company’s services.
+ Generation, storage and demand response: Find out how your capacity and/or your energy can be remunerated on market mechanisms
This page:
- introduces the concepts of generation and consumption flexibility;
- gives an overview of the various RTE schemes under which flexibility can be remunerated.
- explains the two possible forms of remuneration: capacity remuneration (for a market participant’s commitment to availability of capacity on a market mechanism) and energy remuneration (for activated energy on a market mechanism).
Each scheme operated by RTE is described in detail on a dedicated page accessible from the link given on this page or under "See our solutions to access the grid or the electricity markets - Cataliz // Access the electricity market" with a landing page and access to each mechanism.
- Generators
- Consumers
- Market participants seeking remuneration for storage
- Flexibilities providers
Remuneration for your generation and consumption flexibilities under the market mechanisms operated by RTE
The role of RTE is to ensure the reliability of the French power system and thus the balance between generation and consumption in real time. The generation-consumption balance is expressed by the frequency at European level (at equilibrium, the frequency is 50Hz).
To carry out this mission, RTE uses the flexibilities offered by generation, storage and consumption sites, in an undifferentiated manner, on market mechanisms, known as balancing mechanisms (frequency ancillary services and balancing mechanism).
These flexibilities have the ability to adapt their generation and/or consumption at short notice and for a given period, when requested by RTE.
Demand response also consists of temporarily reducing all or part of a participant’s consumption, over a given period of time. It may be followed by a shift of all or part of the reduced consumption. Demand response can be remunerated across all mechanisms operated by RTE in the same way as energy generation.

Demand response constitutes an alternative to generation for the power system. All the market mechanisms operated by RTE are open to demand response. RTE opened the possibility of demand response participation on electricity markets (organised market for power trading or OTC market) in the same way as for power generation assets via the Demand Response Block Exchange Notification, known as NEBEF. It thus provides an additional economic opportunity for the balancing mechanism.
Flexibility products which sites can be remunerated for
- Capacity (MW): you are paid for a power that you commit to making available on a given time slot, activatable on request of RTE or an aggregator. You are remunerated based on a fixed premium (in €/MW).
- Energy (MWh): you are remunerated following effective activation by RTE or an aggregator (generation or load reduction) for a fixed power and duration (in €/MWh).
Market mechanisms on which flexibility products can be remunerated
The mechanisms presented below may be interdependent: if you participate in a capacity remuneration mechanism, you are under obligation to offer your energy on an energy remuneration mechanism.
Note, as part of the design of the capacity mechanism in force for the delivery years up to 31 March 2026 : All generation capacities (including battery storage) that comply with the CO2 emission limits in accordance with Article L.335-3 of the French Energy Code are obliged to participate in the capacity mechanism by becoming certified. It is not an obligation for demand response capacities to participate in the capacity mechanism but they must respect CO2 emission limits to be remunerated under this capacity mechanism.
Capacity remuneration mechanisms
Energy remunerations mechanisms
How to participate
To participate in the mechanisms, you can become a market participant (contracting directly with RTE) or go through an aggregator. Agregators may aggregate several flexibility options to offer them on the markets. If you contract with an aggregator, you are paid according to the provisions negotiated in the framework of a private contract with the latter.
Additional information
- Receive remuneration for your grid energy storage
- Flexibilities : provide your services for network congestion management
- Impact of the MUPPA law on the French Energy Code: an FAQ is available for you
See also the accounting services to access the markets
- Accounting service (service de décompte) - differentiate energy flows to access the market
- Offshore algorithm accounting service - RTE Services Portal (
Your sales representative or is at your disposal for any additional information on the NEBEF mechanism.