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+ RTE is studying connection solutions which comply with the competitive tender process specifications.
- Generators
This service is offered to applicants for a connection to a renewable energy generation facility whose connection point is offshore. It concerns projects subject to a competitive tender process under Article L.311-10 of the French Energy Code for which a notice of open competition was published in the Official Journal of the European Union after 1 January 2016.
The main steps of the connection process
RTE provides support for your connection project through a series of technical steps to help you refine your project.

1. Participation in the State’s competitive tender process and capacity reservation
The competitive tender process
To meet the targets of French Multiannual Energy Programme and in accordance with Articles L 311-10 and following of the French Energy Code, the public authorities may use a competitive tender process for the construction and operation of an offshore wind farm.
Capacity reservation
When organising such a public selection process, the competent authority asks RTE to reserve a projected volume of capacity in a given geographical area in order to preserve equal allocation between the candidates and to provide them with sufficient visibility of their connection conditions.
Capacity is reserved in a "queue". The queue system was set up by RTE and the public distribution system operators in order to manage the connection requests of generation facilities on the same area. These are allocated on a "first come, first served" basis.
The reserved capacity is allocated to the project once the successful tenderer accepts the Technical and Financial Proposal – TFP, transmitted by RTE (see §3 - Request a Technical and Financial Proposal (TFP) from RTE).
If the TFP is not requested or accepted within the time limit for its validity, RTE may, in agreement with the decision-making authority, make this capacity available on the market.
The competitive tender process specifications
In particular, the connection component of the competitive tender process specifications specifies the connection conditions:
- The location of the substation at sea,
- The connection power at injection,
- The connection deadline,
- The general principles relating to the operation and maintenance of connecting works.
If the procedure chosen by the State is a procedure for competitive dialogue, the specifications are established following a competitive dialogue between the State services and the candidates to which RTE may be associated.
At the end of the submission and examination of the tenders, the State shall appoint a winner.
2. Request a Technical and Financial Proposal (TFP) from RTE
Except as specifically provided in the competitive tender process specifications, the successful tenderer is required to request a TFP from RTE within the time limit and under the conditions laid down in the specifications.
The TFP is the first step in the connection process between the connection applicant and RTE. The aim of the proposal is to establish a connection offer based on the data provided by the connection applicant and in accordance with the competitive tender process specifications.
This is the first contract between the competitive tender process winner and RTE. It shall include and possibly specify the connection conditions set out in the specifications of the competitive tender process such as the connection solution, the conditions for data exchange and the processing of amendments between the winner and RTE.
The TFP request is forwarded to the RTE System Access and Services Department: ( It includes:
- the data collection sheets (Sheet D1 and Sheet D2) which specify the connection power at injection, the installed power of the facility, the extraction power etc.
- duly completed annex 3 of the specific conditions of the TFP relating to the data specific to the successful tenderer’s project.
RTE sends the TFP to the applicant within three months of receipt of the full application. However, this time period may be revised at the request of RTE, with the written agreement of the connection applicant, in accordance with Article 1.2.2 – Connection of Generation Facilities of the Technical Reference Documentation (link at the bottom of the page) and within no more than a maximum period of six months.
The signing of the TFP formalises the commitments between the connection applicant and RTE. The signing of the TFP by the successful tenderer must take place within three months of the TFP being sent by RTE or within six months if the winner has requested an extension in accordance with the conditions of the Technical Reference Documentation.
After the signing of the TFP, RTE shall communicate to the successful tenderer the constructive capacity specifications of its facility, the specifications of the protection, of the telecontrol and of the metering systems.
RTE keeps the successful bidder regularly updated of the progress of its connection request.
Design of the TFP
- General Conditions
- Special conditions
Reference documents (links at the bottom of the page under "Documents to download")
- « Procedure for processing connection requests for electricity generation facilities to the public transmission system »
- “Sheet D1” and “Sheet D2”
- “Template for the General Conditions of the TFP”
- "Template for the Special Conditions of the TFP for renewable energy generation facilities with an offshore Connection Point and having been subject to a competitive tender process provided for in Article L 311-10 of the French Energy Code for which a notice of open competition was published in the Official Journal of the European Union after 1 January 2016 and without application of Article L. 342-2 of the French Energy Code".
3. The connection agreement
Prior to the launch of the connection works, RTE presents the successful tenderer with the connection agreement which takes into account the result of the studies and the administrative procedures required for the connection of their facility.
The connection agreement specifies the technical, legal and financial terms for the connection and specifically the conditions the generation facility must meet in order to be connected to the public transmission system. It is valid for the entire operating period of the generation facility.
Connection agreement design

Reference documents (links at the bottom of the page under "Documents to download")
- Template for the General Conditions of the connection agreement
- Template for the Special Conditions "Characteristics of Connection Elements":
- Template for the Special Conditions "Characteristics and Performance of the Facility"
- Template for the specifications for the constructive capacities of the facility
- Template for the specifications for connecting a generation facility to the RTE telecontrol system
- Template of the "Implementing and Financing Connection Elements" special conditions of the connection agreement for renewable energy generation facilities with an offshore Connection Point and having been subject to a competitive tender process provided for in Article L.311-10 of the French Energy Code for which a notice of open competition was published in the Official Journal of the European Union after 1 January 2016 and without application of Article L. 342-2 of the French Energy Code".
4. Works phase
RTE carries out the connection work after signing the connection agreement and keeps the successful bidder informed of the progress of the works.
Throughout the duration of the work, RTE regularly transmits information concerning the connection, in accordance with the arrangements laid down in the connection agreement.
At the end of the work, RTE notifies the successful bidder that the connection is available.
5. Testing
The generation facility is subject to a testing phase with the aim of conducting a performance check before commissioning the facility.
To do this, the successful applicant signs the transmission system access contract (CART contract) with RTE, as well as the operating and conduct agreement for tests.
The CART contract defines RTE’s commitments in the areas of metering, pricing and invoicing (generation and consumption), as well as planned service interruptions related to maintenance work and electricity quality. It also specifies the terms of liability for RTE and for the winner. In particular, it incorporates special conditions specific to the offshore generation facility.
The operating and conduct agreement for testing defines the commitments and the responsibilities of each party to ensure proper insertion of the facility into the power system and the rules of operation and conduct to be followed to ensure the safety of property and persons.
The operating and conduct agreement is concluded at the end of the tests. The successful tenderer’s generation facility will then have definitive access to the grid.
Reference documents (links at the bottom of the page under "Documents to download")
- CART General Conditions and Special Conditions template
- Operating and conduct agreement template for tests
- Final operating and conduct agreement template
Main reference texts
- Articles L.342-1 to L.342-12 of the French Energy Code relating to connection to networks.
- Law No. 2017-1839 of 30 December 2017 putting an end to exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons and introducing various energy and environmental measures.
- Decree No. 2018-222 of 30 March 2018 set a new scale for compensation by the system operator in the event that the deadline for connection to the transmission network is exceeded or in the event of damage or malfunction affecting the land or sea portion of the offshore generation facilities; codified in articles D.342-4-12 et seq. of the French Energy Code.
- Decree of 09 June 2020 relating to the technical requirements of design and operation for the connection to power grids.
- Deliberation No 2018-075 of the French Energy Regulatory Commission of 27 March 2018 laying down guidelines on the conditions for connection and access of offshore renewable energy generation facilities.
- RTE Technical Reference Documentation
Documents to download
- "Procedure for processing connection requests for electricity generation facilities to the public transmission system" - article 1.2.2 of the Technical Reference Documentation
- Data collection sheets "Form D1" and "Form D2" - Article 1.2.3 of the Technical Reference Documentation
- Generator TFP template– general and special conditions and conditions specific to the AO3 and subsequent regulatory framework - Article 8.1.1 of the Technical Reference Documentation
- Generator connection agreement template: general and special conditions - Article 8.4 of the Technical Reference Documentation
- Template for the constructive capacity specifications – non-synchronous generation - Article 8.3.1 of the Technical Reference Documentation
- Template- specifications for connecting a generation facility to the RTE telecontrol system - article 8.25.1 of the Technical Reference Documentation
- CART template for generator customers - general and specific conditions – article 8.13 of the Technical Reference Documentation
- Operating agreement template in trial periods for a generation facility - article 8.6.2 of the Technical Reference Documentation
- Operating agreement template for generation facilities - article 8.6.1 of the Technical Reference Documentation
The above documents have been the subject of consultation with the members of the transmission system client users committee (CURTE).
To ensure fairness of treatment between generators, these documents cannot be amended.
Your requests for connection of an offshore renewable energy generation facility must be emailed to the connection department of the RTE System Access and Services Department: