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Home {{item}} {{item.label}} Help: Declare and view renewable energy project forecasts {{vm.currentItem}}


Renewable energy project forecasts constitute the basis for developing and adapting network infrastructure to connect S3REnR projects (regional schemes for grid connection of renewable energies). In the context of the development or adaptation of regional schemes for grid connection of renewable energies (S3REnR Schémas Régionaux de Raccordement aux Réseaux électriques des Energies Renouvelables), a characterisation of the renewable energy projects to be developed in the medium and long term will allow the construction of S3REnRs that meet the needs of generators and optimise the cost to the community.

  • As an RE project leader, this service allows you to view your RE project forecasts, declare new ones to RTE and amend existing ones if required.
  • As a permanent member of a federation of generators or DSOs, this service allows you to view your RE project forecasts declared to RTE, for which you have been authorised by the declarant.

Declaring renewable energy project forecasts

As an RE project leader, you can declare and amend your upcoming projects by importing the .csv file available here.

Fields marked with an * are required. For some fields, only a set list of values can be entered, otherwise the file cannot be imported.

List of expected values for fields to be entered:

  • Project company name : free field (max 255 characters)
  • Project name/reference* : free field (max 255 characters)
  • Call for proposals : Oui/Non
  • If call for proposals - Name/reference of the call for proposals : free field (max 255 characters)
  • INSEE code of the commune* : 5-character numerical value
  • Latitude of the centre of the plant : numerical value in decimal degrees with a maximum of 5 digits after the decimal point (format XX.XXXXX)
  • Longitude of the centre of the plant : numerical value in decimal degrees with a maximum of 5 digits after the decimal point (format XX.XXXXX)
  • Connection : HTA/ HTB/ BT
  • Repowering : Oui/Non
  • Power planned* : in MW, an integer with a maximum of 4 digits or a decimal with a maximum of 6 digits after the decimal point
  • If existing - Power change : in MW, an integer with a maximum of 4 digits or a decimal with a maximum of 6 digits after the decimal point
  • Generation technology* : Eolien/ Photovoltaïque/ Solaire Thermique/Géothermie/Energie ambiante/ Marémotrice/ Houlomotrice/ Autres énergies marines/ Hydraulique/ Biomasse/ Gaz de décharge/ Gaz des stations d'épuration d'eaux usées/ Biogaz.
  • If wind power - Number of wind turbines in the farm
  • In queue : Oui/Non
  • State of progress : Prospection / Développement/ En instruction / Autorisé non purgé / Autorisé purgé / Refus contesté / Projet suspendu
  • Status : Pas de recours / Recours sur autorisation / Recours sur refus
  • Building Permit submission year : YYYY
  • If known Building Permit number- BP no. : free field (max 30 characters)
  • Connection request/offer planning : YYYY
  • Planning request Commissioning of Facilities : YYYY
  • Comments : free field (max 500 characters)

What you need to know

Your Service Portal administrator can configure your company’s users’ access rights to the service via the "Administration" menu, "Groups" page.


For account authorisation requests, please contact your company’s administrator responsible for managing the Service Portal.

To access this service, if you have not yet designated a first Service Portal administrator for your company, please send the following information to: Any incomplete requests will not be processed.

  • Name of the company
  • SIRET (head office)
  • EIC Code (Energy Identification Code)
  • Last name of the company account administrator on the Service Portal
  • First name of the company account administrator on the Service Portal
  • Email of the company account administrator on the Service Portal